Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/22/10 – Getting Caught Up

It’s been a few days since I last blogged.  After this update, it may be a few days before I get another chance.  With that, I’m just going to jump right in an get started.

Camp Shelby (CS), Mississippi, what an interesting place.  I got to tell you though, if it weren’t for the team being here with a Government vehicle, I think we all would have gone absolutely nuts!  Having our own vehicle to go from appointment to appointment, to the PX (post exchange (store)), off post to the local Wal-Mart and to basically move around on our own was priceless.  Many times I felt as though we might be taking advantage of the system.  Other soldiers would see us come and go.  I could sense that they were looking at us like - "what the HECK, over"?  However, what they fail to realize is that our team is a unit.  A unit approved to have the vehicle and the privileges that come along with it.  Trust me; it did not take me long to get over it and frankly who cares if the other soldiers get over it?  If the tables were turned, they would do the same.

Training here at CS overall was pretty sub-standard.  The training we did in January 2010 at Pelham, AL although cold and brutal at times, was far more superior.  At least, the trainers were combat veterans and the courses they provided were much more effective and informative.

In the very near future; the team departs from CS.  We will travel to Kuwait, via one coastal stop and two international stops.  Once we arrive in Kuwait, we will go through a couple of days of in-country processing and then move to Afghanistan.  Once in Afghanistan, we will then do some more in-country briefings and ship out to our final destinations.  At which time, we will conduct some more (you guessed it), in-country processing.

While here, the team has managed to get in a few good Physical Training (PT) days, running and a little gym work.  Each of us has set personal goals of losing a few pounds here at CS and once we are across the water half way around the world.  Many soldiers once deployed don’t stay in shape depending on their job gain weight.  We are going to do our best not to fall in this trap.  At least for me, I have not set any unreasonable goals of being the next Mr. Universe.  I’ll stick to running and toning and let the young guys go after the high profile titles.

As part of my out processing, I was purposely infected with the Small Pox virus.  I can expect to see it bubble up in 1-3 days and leaking between 4 and 12 days.  Oh yeah, I’m not supposed to get the area wet.  How the heck will I shower?  Very carefully I guess.

Now on to some personal stuff.

The journey apart has been underway for a week or so and continues.  Separated like the air from your lungs when you exhale - Just hoping that your lungs fill back up with the air you need.  400 days was the start and now were counting down!  400 days away from my wife, my best friend, my companion of life.  How will I hold my breath for 400 days?  Renee is the air I breathe; how will either of us endure?  Faith in each other!  Faith in our love story that has been playing for over 12 years now.  Faith in our Lord that His path is to strengthen our souls and time on earth.  Faith in our Government that this mission is one of World peace and the peace of others.  My strength of faith is with my Lord.  My fate is with my wife!  Renee is my being, my life!  Her beautiful eye’s, blond hair, warm hands, snugly fit to my body and skin.  Renee is what I know.  Renee is who I trust beyond measure.  She stands at my right side whispering “I Love You”!  I whisper back, “I Love You Too!  “I Love you 10,000 times”!  Renee, to you and our children – I love you!  I will come home safely.  I hold you in my heart and arms every day.

To my Children: I will miss you all dearly while I am away.  I only ask that you watch out for each other, take care of each other and keep Mom informed.  Mom is our strength, our single point of reference, our center.  Without her, I believe we would all be lost.  PLEASE, PLEASE, treat Mom respectfully; help out from time to time. 

Josh, don’t wait until being asked to take out the trash.  Just take it out!  Also, pay close attention to where your “BALLS” are at all times.  Treat your family with respect.  Give up your seat from time to time. 

Brandon, take a deep breath.  Don’t let life get away from you and try not to scare people too much.  Society might not be ready for your energy.  School, school, school!  Take advantage of the time you have, chill out and continue to make people smile and laugh.  Please remember, Mom love’s you like no other.  She is there for you anytime you need her.  Just ask!

Nick, this goes for you too!  Yes, you’re independent and you’ve done everything by the book.  Crossed your “T”’s, dotted your “I”’s and raising a wonderful family with a wonderful wife.  Continue to take care of Melissa and Landden.  Drop Mom a note from time to time as she would love to hear from you.
Melissa, Keep them boy's straight as I know you will.  You’re a great Mom and loved dearly.  Stay in touch with Mom as I know she likes talking to you on her way home from work.  I hope you all enjoy each other in June and that Landden and Nick both have a great birthday. 

Kelley, I have always loved you as my daughter and will always do so!  I will miss you very much, our movie times, our talks from time to time, your smile and the way you love to hate your brother.  I believe one day, Josh will know how much you truly love him.  Take care of Beau!

Beau, you take care of my Kelley.  I know you will!  Mom and I love you very much and want you to know how glad we are that you bring joy and happiness to our daughter.  Keep playing the music you so love to play.  I, as we all do, hope one day, this turns around and pays off.  It may be in Platinum, it may be in gold or silver.  It may be in fantastic memories.  However, it turns out, it is you being true to who you are. 

Folks, that's it for now and a few days.  I'm going to get this posted and Skype with Mom.  I love you all dearly and will see you soon.

Here are a few pictures from Camp Shelby:

This is the mattress cover I was issued upon arriving. Fortunately, a bed sheet is placed over the mattress cover. Pretty freaking gross.
My wall locker

 Guess what bag of pharmaceuticals is mine?

My Quality Inn, Government issued bunk while here at CS. Look uncomfortable? Wait till I post what I get on the other side. This will be a total upgrade from what’s coming.


  1. I read this to my husband... actually let me rephrase that... I tried to read this to my husband but became so choked up when you spoke so beautifully about Renee and your family I had to keep stopping to catch my breath and wipe the tears so I could keep reading.

    God bless you, and keep you safe. You are blessed to have someone as wonderful as Renee to be here at home waiting for you just as she is blessed to have such a wonderful husband.

    My husband and I thank you for your service,

  2. Thank you for the note! I will keep them in line alright:) I will continue to talk to Mom as I enjoy talking to her too. I will miss you dearly and will look forward to seeing you soon. We will all wait to hear from you through letters, email or skype. We love you very much.

  3. This is beautifully-said Rich. I know that Renee misses you terribly. Sounds like your time will fly and you will be back in no time. Steve and I wish you the best and know that we are here for your family should they need anything.

    Lesley Davis
