Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4/14/2010 - Camp Shelby, MS

Just a quick note to all!  The team arrived safe and sound.  As soon as we arrived, there was immediate discussion to split the team up.  E-7 and above in one barracks, E-6 and below in the other.  As we walked through are temporary digs, we found that the existing barracks were all crowded and only top bunks available.  Each of us were pretty pissed.  CPT Campbell turned on the charm, talked to a Major and convinced the Major to allow us to take up space in an empty barracks.  So far, so good!  However, there was a walk through tonight and it sounds like more troops are coming in.  Which means, they will move in with us.  These are open bay barracks, about 75 or so to a building.  Bunk beds.  The only problem is; once you get the lower enlisted in this environment, they become loud and it becomes a zoo very quick.  SSG Martin and I will have to manage this if it becomes a problem.  We just hate being bad guys!  But, we also like our privacy and a nice even keel environment.  In-processing started, I have a couple of more things to complete and then everything is a "Go"!  We also learned that we may not leave until early May.  That will suck!  We are ready to get this started and get to where we need to be and start our mission.  The sooner we start, the sooner it feels like we come home.  Days are still counting down eitherway, so I'm good with that!

I need to go, others are waiting to get a chance to check there email and talk to family.  I'll leave you with this for now and get back ASAP!

Love to all my family, friends, the families of the Team.  Everyone is truly missed!  By the way, I'm going to get the team out for a run tomorrow.  Time to get in shape!



  1. It sounds like the adventure has Mississippi!!! Take care, Rich!

  2. I love you immensely Soldier Boy!

  3. Leave it to the NCO to keep the officers in shape!!! I love it. We'll hold down Ft. Toney you keep your end in line. Be good!

  4. In spirit; I'm standing with you! Remeber that I've been there ;done that! So you guys hang tough;keep the faith and KNOW in your heart and mind, you are loved,respected and missed. Uncle Devon
