Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/27/2010 - The Surge and the Pond

The Kandahar Airfield "Poo-Pond" made the news!  I had a few minutes early this morning to get caught up on a little news and low and behold, there we were. had The "Poo-Pond" as one of the featured articles.  For those that did not get a copy of the article forwarded, you may have to do a search on the website.  I guess what's interesting is the article provides an overview of the awful smell that is now a daily part of life here at the ranch.  But lacks the words to adequately describe the smell.  Why?  Because when the wind blows just right, there are no words to describe the smell!  I don't care if you have ten babies lined up with green poo in their diapers, it's not even close.  Around here, its simply a part of the elements you learn to adjust too. 

Readers, continue to follow the news and good sources of news like the "stripes" over the coming weeks.  The whole world is aware of the surge and some of the broad stroke time lines.  Even we don't know the real plans, which at our pay grades is good enough for me.  But, I can tell you, we are taking care of a lot of troops with regard to Contracting.  Business is good, we continue to work long, long days with no end insight.  The long hours are kind of a bitter sweet.  12-14 hour days, seven days a week are not something a person would typically look forward too.  But, the days go fast and so does our time.  We are roughly at the 10% mark and counting. 

The four of us are already making plans for R & R and will submit our leave request for approval.  Until the leave request is official, I'll keep the time line quiet.  Don't want to get hopes up to soon.

Got the Cotton Row coming up Monday.  Looks like the four of us will be making history by being the only deployed team running the race 1/2 way across the globe.  More on that next week.

Other than that, it's been fairly quiet since our last little barrage.  We continue to keep a watchful eye and not let our guard down.  We know more is to come and we stay prepared.

Folks, nothing much more exciting to report this round.  Just wanted to get something in print and let you know we are all doing fine and we appreciate everyone for all that you do to support us and keep us mindful of the reasons were here doing what we do!  Freedom is a beautiful thing!!!

Be good, laugh a lot and enjoy!


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