Monday, May 17, 2010

For Your Viewing Entertainment....

Just a few pictures for you while I have a milli-second! I'll update my blog again soon!

L to R - Habib, Rich and Han. They are the Interpreter's
Fine dining, Sandbox style...our Chow Hall
Jeff with our Interpreters
Rich hard at it! How do you like my work table? Oh, the metal chair with a file box? Yep, that's it! 
 Our Villa in the vario
Sparky, the janitor. If he leaves early from work, chances are there will be a rocket attack. Coincidence?
Skyping with my lovely wife!
Before leaving Camp Shelby. Getting cards ready to send home!
I hope you've enjoyed the picture show!

1 comment:

  1. Rich, Great to see pix of you and Jeff. Read Jeff's email on recent days there at Kandahar AF. Glad to hear both of you are safe - 9MM or M16, should have taken both!
