Saturday, April 17, 2010

4/17/2010 - Band of Brothers

The team dogged me for quite some time for not having watched the 10 Series 1-hour episodes of "Band of Brothers".  Our original plan was to wait until we got settled into Afghanistan.  Of course that changed a couple weeks ago.  Now each of us are going to separate locations.  While here at Shelby, we have been fortunate enough to start the series and so far we up through episode 5.  Tonight, we should be able to knock out 6 and maybe 7.

Why do I mention this you may ask?  Only to say, that CPT Floyd, CPT Campbell and SSG Martin and I continue to bond as friends.  We've basically spent the last 12-18 months training together, working together, and getting our families together in support of this journey.  It's extremely helpful to have the friendship and bonding through this whole significant event.  I would hate to have gone this far on my own.  There are several soldiers processing through Shelby in this situation, forging new friendships that will probably on last a couple weeks.

I believe that my "Band of Brothers" will last a lifetime.  Event though we are expected to go to the four corners of Afghanistan, our time together thus far is and will prove to be a solid foundation.

That's about all that was on my mind this morning.  Thought I'd share.  Were off to get some good Army breakfast.  Later!

1 comment:

  1. Iwas stationed with guys at Larson AFB, Washington state. We also wound up in Vietnam about the same time. One of theguys was staioned at a different oupost than me and the other "brother". But he would hop a chopper every two or three weeks and we would all hang out. Well, I kept in contact with one of them up until 5 years ago when he passed about. We kept each other up to date on our lives via phone calls and Christmas cards. We shared with each other things we could never share with those that never went thru what we did. So hang on to those "brothers". They are special people. Uncle Devon
